Senin, 17 Maret 2014

Softskill Bahasa Inggris " Passive Voice "

Passive Voice



NPM          : 15213401

KELAS     : 1EA22


Passive Voice

Passive voice is a grammatical construction (bentuk gramatikal) dimanasubject the sentence (kalimat) or clause (klausa) does not take action, but rather accept the action or follow-up (receiver of action) by the other agent (doer of action) either mentioned or not. In contrast, the active construction, subject to the sentence or clause directly related to the verb to act as the agent of the action. Active sentence can be transformed into passive, but only transitive verb (mempunyai pelengkap penderita) that can be enforced so.

Formula Passive Voice

The formula passive voice is as follows below.


• Auxiliary verb can be either a primary auxiliary verb be (is, are, am, was, were, be, been, being) or a combination of the two primaries (is / are being, was / were being, has / have been) as well as between primary and capital auxiliary verb (will be, will not have been).
• Combination of auxiliary used to form the passive tenses. Fuller explanation can be found in the Form of Passive tenses, Infinitive, and Gerund.
• Past participle form of the verb used transitive (has a direct object).
She can not drive a car. (active voice, transitive), He always come on time. (active voice, Intransitive)
• Changes in the shape of the base to form the past tense and past participle of regular or irregular basis.
play (base form) -> played (past participle), sing (base form) -> sung (past participle)

Examples of Passive Voice on Auxiliary Verb Be:

Exception of Transitive Verbs
Not all transitive verbs, verbs that have a direct object, can be pacified. Some of these verbs are, among others: have, Become, lack, look like, mean, etc. will sound unnatural meaning when pacified. Some example sentences of the verb is as follows.

Example :

• I have a great new idea. -> Can not be pacified by: A great new idea is had by me.
• The snack contains aspartame. -> Can not be pacified by: Aspartame is contained by the snack.
Overview Of The Passive Voice

In the passive voice construction, clauses or sentences subjectpada act as receiver of the action (penerima aksi) of action (aksi yang dinyatakan dengan kombinasi auxiliary verb dengan past participle) conducted by DOER of action (pelaku aksi). Fuller explanation can be found in Understanding, Formulas, and Sample Passive Voice.

Active into Passive Voice Transformation

Active "normal" voice can be transformed or changed shape passivedengan following stages.

Example :
* Description of the auxiliary verb used to be seen in the introduction.

• Julia wrote the report. -> The report was written by Julia

• I have made ​​a decision. -> A decision has been made ​​by me.



Usage and Examples
Some examples of the use and changes from active to passive sentences are as follows.

infinitive form of a passive **
Overview Of The Passive Voice

Passive voice is a grammatical form in which the subject receives the action / followed by another agent. The general formula of this construction are: S + auxiliary verb + past participle. Fuller explanation can be found diPengertian, Formulas, and Sample and Use of Passive Voice and Examples.

Formulas And Examples Of Passive Voice On Tenses

Auxiliary to form the passive construction in the form of auxiliary tenses can be (is, are, was, were), the combination of two primary auxiliary (is / are being, was / were being, has / have been), or between primary auxiliary verb capital (will be, will not have been). Auxialiary is then combined with a past participle verb form for membentukpassive. The formulas and examples of passive voice in some sort tensesdapat seen in the following table.

The shape of the perfect continuous passive should be avoided because of complicated and elegant.

Passive Voice On Infinitive

Passive form of Infinitive phrase (infinitive phrase) can serve as subject, object, or modifier in a sentence. Formulas and examples padainfinitive passive form is as follows.

To be accompanied with him is a bad idea. (Subject)Example :

·         Everyone needs to be loved. (Object)
·         He is the man to be trusted for all the things. (Modifier)

Passive Voice On Gerund

Passive form of the gerund can function as subject, object, and object of the preposition in a sentence. The following formulas and examples of passive gerund form.

Being accompanied with him is a bad idea. (Subject)Example :

·         My brother enjoyed being taken to the beach. (Object)
·         My brother’s happy of being taken to the beach. (Object of preposition)


Prepositional Passive

Passive voice is formed by making the direct object in the active voice becomes the subject of the sentence. Thus, the rule only applies to transitive verb (kata kerja yang diikuti direct object), not to Intransitive verb (kata kerja yang tidak diikuti direct object). 
Then there Intransitive passive form of the verb? Intransitive verbs can be pacified if the sentence contains a propositional phrase (terdiri preposition dan object of preposition). Object of a preposition is then forwarded to the next menjadisubject of a passive voice sentence.
Thus, propositional passive is a passive form of the sentence in which the subject of the sentence in the form of the object of the preposition phrase taken from propositional tense active.

Formula Prepositional Passive

Active Voice:

Prepositional Passive*:

* Applies to unergative verb (tipe intransitive verb)


Examples Prepositional Passive

Here are some examples of active sentences and propositional passive voice.